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segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2012
Top 30 nomes de pessoas mais engraçados no Brasil
Muitas vezes a escolha de um nome determina a vida de uma pessoa. Um nome inusitado pode render muitas piadas e situações constrangedoras. É tanta criatividade que a gente chega até a duvidar... Mas, apesar de inusitados, a maioria das pessoas parece feliz com o nome que tem e se acham até importantes por possuírem nomes únicos.
Algumas listas públicas apresentam relações de nomes pra lá de engraçados. Veja o top 30 dos nomes mais estranhos de pessoas, registrados em cartórios de todo o Brasil.
Vale lembrar, que o objetivo desse artigo é apenas divulgar os nomes engraçados, sem expor ninguém a uma situação constrangedora.
1 - Aeronauta Barata
2 - Agrícola Beterraba Areia
3 - Agrícola da Terra Fonseca
4 - Alce Barbuda
5 - Amado Amoroso
6 - Amável Pinto
7 - Amazonas Rio do Brasil Pimpão
8 - América do Sul Brasil de Santana
9 - Amin Amou Amado
10 - Antonio Manso Pacífico de Oliveira Sossegado
11 - Antônio Morrendo das Dores
12 - Asteróide Silverio
13 - Bandeirante do Brasil Paulistano
14 - Barrigudinha Seleida
15 - Bispo de Paris
16 - Céu Azul do Sol Poente
17 - Chevrolet da Silva Ford
18 - Dezêncio Feverêncio de Oitenta e Cinco
19 - Dolores Fuertes de Barriga
20 - Esparadrapo Clemente de Sá
21 - Homem Bom da Cunha Souto Maior
22 - Ilegível Inilegível
23 - Inocêncio Coitadinho
24 - Janeiro Fevereiro de Março Abril
25 - Lança Perfume Rodometálico de Andrade
26 - Marciano Verdinho das Antenas Longas
27 - Maria Privada de Jesus
28 - Maria Tributina Prostituta Cataerva
29 - Maria-você-me-mata
30 - Mimaré Índio Brazileiro de Campos
segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011
Conrad Murray found guilty in Michael Jackson trial

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A two-year legal battle over who was responsible for Michael Jackson's sudden death came to a dramatic close Monday as a California jury found Dr. Conrad Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter.
Murray appeared to show no emotion as the verdict was read by court clerk Sammi Benson, but someone in the gallery let out a loud, but short scream.
Sentencing was set for November 29, with Murray facing up to four years in prison on the conviction. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor ordered Murray to be held without bail until that date, and Murray was led from the courtroom in handcuffs.
"This is not a crime involving a mistake of judgment. ... This was a crime where the end result was the death of a human being," Pastor said in explaining his decision to remand Murray to police custody. "That factor demonstrates rather dramatically that the public should be protected."
domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011
sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2011
Projeto de lei propõe visto para imigrantes que compram casa nos EUA
Sete bilhões de pessoas no mundo: saiba em que posição você está

Muito interessante, de uma olhada neste link...
A população mundial deve chegar a sete bilhões de pessoas em alguns dias. Depois de registrar crescimento lento na maior parte do passado, o número de pessoas no planeta mais que dobrou nos últimos 50 anos. Mas como é que você se encaixa nessa história? Insira sua data de nascimento abaixo para descobrir.
Nokia unveils first Windows smartphones
quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011
Tallest Woman in the World

If you want to know the record holder for the tallest woman in the world, then you're in the right place. The tallest woman ever was Zeng Jinlian (June 26, 1964 – February 13, 1982), She is also the only female counted among the twelve individuals in medical history who reached a verified eight feet or more. At the time of her death at the age of 17, in Hunan, China, she was 8 ft 1.75 in (249 cm) tall. However, she could not stand up straight due to a severely deformed spine. Nevertheless, she was the tallest person in the world at the time.
Yao Defen is considered the tallest living woman who was born in July 15, 1972 in Shucheng China . Yao measured 2.33 m (7 ft 8 in). Her gigantism is due to a tumor in her pituitary gland. The story of this "woman giant" began to spread rapidly after she went to see a doctor at the age of fifteen years for an illness. After that, many companies attempted to train her to be a sports star. The plans were abandoned, however, because Defen was too weak. Because she is illiterate, since 1992 Yao Defen has been forced to earn a living by traveling with her father and performing.
Sandra Elaine "Sandy" Allen was also recognized the tallest woman during her life. She is from the U.S (born June 18, 1955 – died in August 13, 2008). She was 7 ft. 7¼ in. (232 cm) in height. Jane "Jinny" Bunford (26 July 1895 – 1 April 1922) is the second tallest Briton ever recorded in British medical history. At the time of her death she was also the tallest woman in world medical history, a record that stood for the next sixty years. In March 1922, Jane stood 2.31 m (7 ft 7 in) tall, in her final measurement taken when she was alive. It was estimated that she would have been 2.41 m (7 ft 11 in), if she had not developed the spinal curvature.
Did you know that the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and the Czech Republic have the highest average height. Which means females in these countries are taller than the rest of the world. The average female height in the Netherlands (5 ft 6 1/2 in or 1.69 m), Belgium (5 ft 6 in or 1.67 m), Norway (5 ft 6 in or 1.67 m) and the Czech Republic (5 ft 6 in or 1.67 m).
Check also here the shortest person or the shortest man. For a list of the most extreme known achievements in the planet, check our top world records.
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